Famous Prarie Avenue

by Jim Signorelli
Famous Prarie Avenue
Jim Signorelli
Photograph - Photography
Like many of Chicago’s main streets, Prairie Avenue evolved from a Native American trail that connected Chicago’s Fort Dearborn with Indiana’s Fort Wayne. The area became a desirable location because of its proximity to downtown business without the hassle of crossing the Chicago River. Things really flourished after the Great Fire of 1871. Prairie Avenue and its immediate surroundings were untouched, while the North Side was torched. Displaced people and businesses who could afford it relocated to the south of the Loop.Prairie Avenue was home to the men who made Chicago a global city. It featured the crème de la crème of Chicago gentry and architecture.
November 17th, 2023
Comments (1)

Calvin Boyer
In addition to the banner, I am adding this more permanent recognition of its FEATURE on the homepage of A TREE OR TREES IN BLACK AND WHITE. I try mightily to feature only images that would be at home in a juried competition. No doubt that this image fits that bill. CONGRATULATIONS! And consider adding your image to DISCUSSIONS "Please post your featured photograph here" for greater, long-lasting visibility.